Kinross ‘Cake and Canter’ 10K

Updated: 2010-05-03
David Bathgate was the only club representative to make the short journey up the M90 for the Kinross Cake Fest, organised by Kinross High School PTA last Thursday. He finished in 43rd position in a time of 42.14 – the legendary buffet providing him with the incentive required for a PB over the distance.
After the race, David said ‘Checking back on 10Ks I’ve done this is my new PB. It is even faster than the 1st time I did Linlithgow 9.5K!’ (the pre-2008 course). ’43rd in 42:14 was an improvement on my 50th place in 2008. Interestingly the guy who was 50th this time did it in 42:48 and that’s the exact time I did in 2008 when I was 50th – spooky!’. Interesting indeed.

Matt Richardson

Lothian Running Club