Complaints Procedure

The following Complaints Procedure was approved at the Committee meeting on 5th December (Updated May 2013)

Complaints Procedure

If there is a cause for concern or complaint by a club member or a member of the public, concerning the behaviour, welfare or action of a club member or a person acting on behalf of the club then this must be brought to the attention of the Welfare Officer.

The Welfare Officer will conduct a prompt investigation and gather the facts of the case and where appropriate any desired outcome.

The Welfare Officer may:

a) Propose a resolution to the parties concerned and report the actions to the committee.

If any of the members concerned are not satisfied with the proposed resolution then they may refer the case to the committee, via the Secretary, with their reasons for finding the resolution unsatisfactory. In this case the procedure in b) will be followed.

b) Refer the case immediately to the Chairman or Secretary who will convene a group of three committee members, not including the Chairman, to consider the facts as presented and propose a resolution to the parties concerned.
If any of the members concerned are not satisfied with the proposed resolution then they may refer the case to the Chairman with their reasons for finding the resolution unsatisfactory. In this case the procedure in c) will be followed.

The Chairman will consider the facts and propose a resolution.

  •  Any resolution proposed can only be within the remit and authority of the club.
  • A record will be kept of the complaint, the resolution proposed and any subsequent actions.
  • Any resolution proposed will be in accord with the clubs Welfare Policy and Code of Conduct.
  • At any point, where justified, the matters may be referred to other agencies in accord with the clubs Welfare Policy and/or the Rules of Scottish Athletics Ltd.
  • If a complaint is made against the Chairman or a member of the committee then, as necessary, the remainder of the committee will appoint one of its members as a substitute in b) or c) above.

The outcome of the investigation will be reported to the committee and hence recorded in the committee minutes.

Lothian Running Club