The club had a handful of runners amongst a big field of 357 runners for the Edinburgh Parkrun on Saturday morning.

Many probably heading to the big cross country event at Holyrood Park later in the day.

Colin Partridge led the club contingent home finishing in 3rd place.

The club also had two age category winners with Scott Balfour leading [65-69] and Ian Leggett the first [70-74].
3rd Colin Partridge [17.36] 43rd & 1st 65-69 Scott Balfour [20.20] 118 John Malcolm [23.04] 146 Cliff Dicker [23.41]
175 & 1st 70-74] Ian Leggett [24.31] 357 Completed.

FULL RESULTS:http://www.parkrun.org.uk/edinburgh/results/latestresults/

Lothian Running Club