Shona and Paul Rock ‘n. Roll in Liverpool

Shona and Paul Young have been piling the miles in over the past couple of weeks. Following on from running the Brathey Windermere Marathon in the Lake District last weekend the duo were competing on both Saturday and Sunday in Liverpool in the Rock and Roll series of races. After running the 5k on the Saturday both lined up on the Sunday for the marathon.
 Shona recorded a new PB of 3h 25m 25s which placed her 1st out of 120 runners in her own age category and 7th female overall out of a field of 817 ladies. Paul wasn’t far behind with a time of 3.29.17.
This is the 3rd year the event has been held by the Rock and Roll Series and they have been down every year since they cancelled the event in Edinburgh due to lack of numbers.
Lothian Running Club