Seven Hills of Edinburgh

LRC were well represented in the Seven Hills of Edinburgh race. The course comprises of a combination of road-running, cross-country, hill-running, and urban orienteering, 14.3 miles in length and with 2200 feet of ascent/descent. The race is split into two categories. The seriously-fit should enter “The Race”. Those of more modest ability (above 1 hour 40 for a half-marathon, say) can enter “The Challenge” (starting half an hour in advance).The club had eight members in ‘the Race’ and 5 in the ‘Challenge’ with the following results,Race-55 Euan McInnes 2:14.16, 58 Alan Knowles 2:15.20, 87 Paul Young 2:22.06, 93 & 2 FV45 Christine MacVarish 2:24.08, 106 & 3 FV 45 Shona Young 2:26.37, 113 Jim Petrie 2:29.29, 131 Pol McDonald 2:33.49, 161 David Prats Jubany 2:24.33.

Challenge-57 Alan Weir 2:47.34, 85 Martin Leadbetter 2:53,.50, 137 Brian Reid 3:11.31, 178 Kirst McMeechan 3:20.58, 240 Linda Garratty 3:49.24. With the first three finishers counting towards team points Lothian finished 12th of the 18 teams. 459 runners completed both races.

Full results can be seen on the Results page.

Doublers : The 2017 list of the super-heroes who did the Edinburgh Marathon and Seven Hills ‘Double’ can be viewed here.

PHOTOS : From the Allotments, by John McCurdy: here

VIDEO: A 14-minute video of The Challenge event, by Jim Sheach: here

Lothian Running Club