Orkney Marathon

Shona and Paul Young were in Orkney at the weekend and ran in the 2nd St Magnus Marathon. Paul ran the 1st one last year.

Shona reported”It’s definitely not a PB course with plenty of ups and downs to contend with and this year we also had a very strong head wind to keep us working hard from the start.

”Unusually for us, Paul and I ran from roughly mile 8 shoulder to shoulder and we finished 5th and 6th overall. I managed 1st female and 1st in my age cat too and Paul was 2nd in his age cat.


”I have ran many marathons in Scotland but non can compare to the scenery in Orkney. The race was really well supported and very well organised from registration to the finish. In the evening the organizers up on a ceilidh and buffet for everyone in the village hall and it was a lovely way to round off a great day. I would certainly recommend this race to anyone looking to travel a distance to experience Scotlands most northerly marathon.”

Lothian Running Club