2018 Membership Fees

Annual Club Membership fees for 2018 are now due. As agreed at this year’s AGM, fees are unchanged from last year. For more information on costs and ways to pay, please see the Membership Page

How are my Fees used?

LRC generally try to apply a ‘pay-as-you-go’ policy, by keeping upfront fees as low as we can, and covering costs for training facilites etc. by asking members to pay as they use them.   A large portion of each member’s annual fee goes directly to Scottish Athletics .  The remainder goes towards paying for equipment, training facilites, league fees, and subsidising certain championship races.

Can I have a say in how my membership fee is spent?

Absolutley. Decisions on how club funds are spent are made by the comittee during regular comittee meetings.  Meetings are open and any club member is welcome along. Keep an eye on the website for the time and place of the next meeting.  Why not  get more involved? There are currently still currently vacant spots on the comittee.

Lothian Running Club