Fiddlers Results – October 2018

This month saw a great turn oput as we switched to the winter course.  Please check the results as there was a bit of a blanket finish and I may not have the order exactly right.  And I’ve juts lumped everyone with the same finish time.

Short Course

Runner’s Name Start Time Finish Time Running Time Comment
Cunningham,Amber 19:33:41 19:45:00 00:11:19 Winner, PB
Steel, Hannah 19:35:26 19:45:00 00:09:34 Fastest, PB
Pickard, Max 19:34:47 19:45:20 00:10:33 First Time
Knowles,  Hannah 19:30:39 19:46:45 00:16:06 PB

Long Course

Runner’s Name Start Time Finish Time Running Time Comment
Amies, Stephanie 19:15:00 19:53:45 00:38:45 Winner, First Time
Meek, David 19:27:00 19:58:18 00:31:18 First Time
Kirkland, Ryan 19:37:00 19:59:07 00:22:07 PB
Robertson, John 19:33:45 19:59:10 00:25:25 PB
Godfrey, Kevin 19:30:15 19:59:20 00:29:05
McComish, Barry 19:37:15 19:59:22 00:22:07 PB
Williamson, Ross 19:35:45 19:59:30 00:23:45 First Time
Moffat, Will 19:37:00 19:59:30 00:22:30 PB
Williams, Owen 19:38:00 19:59:30 00:21:30
Lang, Malcolm 19:39:15 19:59:30 00:20:15 Fastest
Wishart, Colin 19:33:45 19:59:42 00:25:57 First Time
Taylor, Tom 19:37:45 20:00:00 00:22:15 First Time
Kellock,Duane 19:35:30 20:00:37 00:25:07 First Time
Lees, Brian 19:37:00 20:00:40 00:23:40 PB
Nelson, Bethany 19:29:45 20:03:30 00:33:45
Shona 19:29:45 20:03:30 00:33:45 First Time


Lothian Running Club