Linlithgow 10k

There was a large turn out of 21 blue vests for Sunday’s Linlithgow 10k, leading them home in 4th place was Malcolm Lang followed by Alan Knowles in 9th. Leading LRC female was Mel Zobel in 79th place. Overall race winners were Alistair Hay ,Central AC and Rebecca Burns Edinburgh AC.

LRC finishers were, 4 Malcolm Lang 31.35,9 Alan Knowles 35.46,12 Euan Rennie 36.55, 20 Euan McInnes 37.57,21 Ryan Kirkland 37.58,29 Will Moffat 38.54,41 Al Aitken 40.11,42 Ross Williamson 40.13,48 Alan Cunningham 40.46,69 Kyle Williamson 41.56,79 Mel Zobel 42.25,88 John Ewing 43.04,90 Christine MacVarish 43.03,123 Colin Wishart 44.31,260 Jim Petrie 49.51,308 Alan Weir 50.57,315 Kevin Godfrey 51.46,465 Linda Garratty 56.07,575 Ian Leggett 62.15,592 Andrew McKenna 62.36,611 Philip Jurczyk 64.55.
Full results
Lothian Running Club