Tinto Tiptoe 2019 Results

Name Time Club Age
Danny Fletcher 7.40 Lothian RC 10
Gregor MacMillan 8.17 8
Sorley MacDonald 8.27 Lothian RC 12
Evie Stewart 10.19 11
Rowan Lennox 11.01 Shettleston 5
Jackson Dearie 11.08 Law & District 7
Tom Davonport 12.02 7
Arielle Muir 12.14 6
Kelvin Dearie 15.02 4

Conditions were muddy underfoot and unseasonably mild. Only nine took part. It was great
to see them all running so well with a smile. The younger ones were particularly impressive.
Only two of the runners had Tiptoed before. Danny, the first to finish, was 16 seconds faster
than last time. Sorley was 93 seconds faster!
Many thanks to Val & Iain for course setting and marshalling. Thanks to Edel and Nicola for
looking after the old man.
We were privileged to have the services of two internationally acclaimed officials. Joanna –
International Smile Judge and Jean – Muddy Patch Judge. Our grateful thanks to both.
Next Fun Run in the series:-
Beecraigs Bash Fun Run
(At Beecraigs Festive Handicap.) Thursday, December 26 th

Download Tinto Tipto Results 2019

Lothian Running Club