47th Carnethy ‘5’ Hill Race

47th Carnethy ‘5’ Hill Race

February 11, 2017 @ 2:00 pm
Olly Stephenson
0131 447 0548

Entry is online only and subject to a ballot for places. If you are not selected in the ballot Carnethy will guarantee you a place next year if you volunteer to help this year. The entry process is as follows:

  • Jan 7th-13th – entries open on https://www.sientries.co.uk/event.php?elid=Y&event_id=3326 ; no limit on numbers; no payment details taken. Make sure you save your entry (no email sent at this stage).
  • Jan 14th-15th – race committee selects 610 runners as a ballot (same limit as previous years), and invitations emailed to these people via SiEntries to confirm entry and make payment (check your spam filter etc)
  • Jan 16th-20th – runners confirm entry and make £15 payment (if you will not be around at this time then ask a friend to enter for you)
  • Jan 23rd onwards – if any places remain unfilled then these will be sent out to a second round of invitees, with a new payment deadline, and the process will repeat in the following days until all 610 spaces are full. The aim is by 28th Jan all spaces will be allocated, confirmed and paid.
Lothian Running Club