Broxburn Cross-Country Reccy – Sunday, 11th January at 10am

Broxburn Cross-Country Reccy – Sunday, 11th January at 10am

January 11, 2015 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Broxburn XC Course
West Lothian

Note: This replaces the normal Sunday Session at Dechmont Law.

Instead of the usual Dechmont law session, we are moving it to Broxburn on Sunday 11th Jan. This will give cross country runners a chance to reccy the course for the following Saturday’s East District Cross Country League held at Broxburn. I’ll have course maps available as well. The course is very exposed in places, so please bring plenty of warm and waterproof clothing.

We plan to meet at the top of a road which is nearest to the start / finish. Leave the A899  at the cross-road with traffic lights half way between Uphall and Broxburn.  Go uphill on Wyndford Avenue (Speed humps). Where Wyndford Avenue bends left in 200m, keep straight on uphill for 500m and park at the end of the road.

Invitation open to all ages and abilities (you can come along even if you are not doing Broxburn cross country)

For more info about Broxburn cross country, check out the below website  It’s a local race for us so let’s try and get as many club members out as possible. You don’t need to enter on the day, just turn up.

Hope to see you there!




Lothian Running Club