Dechmont Law Course Reccy

Dechmont Law Course Reccy

November 4, 2012 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Dechmont Law Car Park
There are about 4 or 5 of us going to reccy the cross country course at Dechmont Law on Sunday 4th November at 10am sharp.  We plan to meet at the car park by Deans Community High School.
If anyone is interested please feel free to come along and enjoy the fun! You can make it as long a run as you want or as short as you want. We could just reccy the course first and then go ahead and do a lap or two of the motorway loop.
Hope as many people can make it as possible. If people are not interested in doing the xc at Dechmont on 24th November, it would still be a nice way to meet people that you havn’t met in a while from LRC.
– Edel Mooney
Great chance to get an idea of the course for those of you planning on running the second East District XC Meet, especially if you’ve not run before.  And as Edel says a great chance for a social run with other club members.  Alas, I will still be stuck on a boat in the Gulf of Mexico at the time, but rest assured I have been putting in the training hours on the treadmill.
– Colin Partridge
Men’s Captain
Lothian Running Club