Wed Training – Dechmont Law Hooter
Wed Sessions take place at various locations around Livingston.
Meet at Inveralmond High School for 7:00pm for briefing by the session coach(es), pay the training fee and catch up on club news. If you do go straight to the session remember to make your self known to the coach and also pay the training fee.
Alternatively there are usually one or two groups going for a steady run, leaving from and returning to Inveralmond School
Wed 23th July Session is: Dechmont Law – Hooter Hill Session
Coach: Edel
Session Details:
This uses the incline on the NE corner of our cross country course, from where the alien spacecraft landed, up towards the golf course. It is about 1k from the car park behind Deans High School. (The car park is 2.5k from lnveralmond.)
The maximum possible is 9 reps, each starting, and finishing with a hooter blast.
The first pair of blasts is 10 seconds apart, then 20 then 30, 40, 50, 40, 30, 20 &10.
At the second blast runners all stop, turn round and walk back 10 strides before jogging slowly back to the start, Then the next start hooter goes at once. If you are too puffed to jog after 10 strides and so miss the start, you have a rest instead of doing the next rep.
Unless you are very unfit you should be able to do the 10 second rep flat out and 20 seconds nearly so. After that you should take care to regulate your effort according to how long you must keep it up.
If you are so fast as to run out of earshot, or if the hooter runs out of gas before you do, you may vanish into the distance never to be seen again.
Only the super-fit will manage all 9 reps. Most will plan to miss at least the 50 second rep. Only do as many as you are able to do well. As with all training, there is no benefit in carrying on beyond the point when you are able to maintain a reasonable standard.
On the first wednesday of every month, normal training session are replaced by the Fiddlers Handicap Starting at St Margarets Academy (winter) or the Civic Centre park (Summer)