Thank you Shane, for your earlier post on this event.

Just to update everyone, as we also had two incomplete Young Female teams running the 2.5km course.
This course was interesting, yet challenging in places, and a dry day made it firm underfoot – so unusually there was no mud in sight.

Bethany Nelson completed this in 11 minutes 18 seconds, closely followed by Cara McCafferty in 12:18.
Keri Greig also ran and finished in a time of 9 minutes 31 seconds.

In the Senior Men’s 4km event was the quartet of Ross Milne [12.54], Max McNeil [12.39], Kenny Mearns [17.52] and Scott Nelson [15.39] finishing 22nd of the 41 teams in an accumulative time of [59.04].
The only other club member in action was Colin Banham who ran a solo leg in [19.12].
Due to major delays at the Forth Bridge, many runners and officials were delayed in getting to this event and a last minute team change was made giving the results above.

Lothian Running Club