Category: News

LRC have been awarded the Lindsays Trophy for Tier Three Clubs

The Lindsay Tropy is awarded to reflect the participation of clubs in the Lindays Cross Country Championships. Lothian RC mustered 54 finishers across the three national events in the Lindsays Cross Country Season – at Cumbernauld, Lanark and Falkirk – in the 2023-24 season. It gave them the trophy by just a...

Active Assured Accreditation Stamp

Active Assured Status

We are pleased to report that Lothian Running Club has been awarded Active Assured status as part of the West Lothian Council Community Club Accreditation Scheme (West Lothian Council Communict Club Accreditation Scheme.)

Monthy Handicap Results – Nov 23

Another large turnout, and a big win for Fraser with a huge PB. Next month we will move to the Winter Course, starting at the east end of the Civic Centre, just before you reach the playpark. For more info see: Main Fiddlers Page W = Winner FT = First...

Junior Handicap Result May 3 2022

Junior 1600m Handicap May 2022 Below are the results of the Juniors 1600m May Handicap – in finishing order. One and two were first timers at the club  so probably not handicapped properly – but very strong running regardless – welcome to both. First 5 fastest net times were Danny...

Juniors Handicap Result – April – 1600m

Reduced number this month thanks to holidays ( and the weather ?) – fastest again were Danny and Rachel – with Harry beating the handicappers (3rd fastest too !)  ! Big thanks to Becks, Alan and Graeme for their help and for all the Food Bank donations too. Name Handicap...

Juniors Monthly Handicap (1600) Result – February 1

Thanks to all who took part in last nights session and monthly handicap – over 30 youngsters – so, more than ever, I am very grateful to everyone who helped – Lisa, Graham, Betty and Becks did a fantastic job. Once again Danny Fletcher was the fastest net time -...

Lothian Running Club