Scottishathletics Hill Running Weekend

Wanlockhead Outdoor Centre

January 7th – 8th 2012

Programme: The weekend is designed to cater for all endurance athletes wishing to develop their hill running abilities. Junior athletes (minimum age is 12) are especially welcome and all sessions are designed to be suitable for their capabilities. Adults are asked to offer lifts to juniors wherever possible. The organised programme will start at 10am on Saturday and finish by 3pm on Sunday.

There will be three organised running sessions – a paarlauf (paired relay interval session on a grassy hill), a hill navigation exercise (orienteering course across moorland), and a longer easy run over the moors. All activities are designed to improve fitness in an enjoyable way, but they are optional and the emphasis will be on informal group activities that are about having fun. In addition to the running, we will have time to discuss aspects of preparation and training for hill running and racing. Details of the 2012 domestic and international programme of races and training camps will be available.

Facilities: Accommodation is at Wanlockhead Outdoor Centre, near Abington. It is basic, but quite adequate, with good cooking facilities, showers and central heating. There are no beds, and whilst there are mattresses/blankets available, it is best to bring your own sleeping bag and mat. Food is provided from Saturday morning until Sunday lunch. (you are welcome to arrive on Friday evening, but you will need to provide your own food for that night – Saturday breakfast can be provided). Bring at least 2 changes of warm outdoor running gear and waterproofs.

How to Book: The charge for the weekend is £15 for seniors and £8 for juniors (under 18). If you want to stay on Friday night it is an extra £3. Seniors, if they prefer, should be able to stay in a nearby b & b, for £20 (£25 if 2 nights). (NB: Juniors wont be refused due to lack of funds- any questions, please ask).To secure your place send a deposit of at least £5 to me at the address below – as soon as possible please and not later than December 12th.

 A detailed programme, with travel directions and list of participants will be sent out in advance.

Look forward to seeing you there! Malcolm Patterson malcpat@yahoo.co.uk


Booking Form: To: Malcolm Patterson, 6 Nigel Gardens, Glasgow G41 3UQ. (Tel 0141 632 6986)

 Name(s) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

……………………………………………………………………………………….. Tel. …………………………………

I / we would like to book …………….. place(s) No. of vegetarians ………..

Please give age of junior athletes ……………………….

I could offer lifts from …………………… I need a lift from …………………………

I want to stay Friday night also ……….. I prefer to stay at the B&b for: Fri&Sat…… Sat only……

I enclose a deposit / fee of £ ………….. (Cheques payable to “Malcolm Patterson”)

Signed: ……………………….……….. Signed by parent (of junior) …………………………………

Lothian Running Club