WANTED : XC Team Managers

We’re always looking for volunteers who are willing to give up a little time to help out at Cross Country races, in particular the SA Championships and East District League events. It’s not an arduous or difficult task, and is typically shared between 2 people – mostly just manning the club tent, and ensuring everyone is registered, gets their number, and knows when their race is.

At a push its possible for the athletes themselves to share this role, but thats not ideal, as they should be concentrating on preparing for the race. So ideally at least one Team Manager will be non-competing. If you can convince a Parent, or your better half to help out – thats ideal. Or if you just fancy coming along to help support your team mates when you cant or don’t want to run yourself.

There are 3 main cross country events left this season:

The East District Championship (this coming weekend)
The 3rd East District league Match in Broxburn
The National Cross Country Championships

If you think you may be able to help out at any of these events, or now someone who might, then please send a message to info@lothianrunningclub.co.uk, or just speak to someone at training. I’m not looking for a commitment at the moment, just an indication of who we might be willing to be contacted at a later date. (though if you can commit to this weekend then that would be great .

Lothian Running Club