Fiddlers Results

There was a good turnout at tonight’s Fiddlers. Congratulations to Val Finch and Louis Macdonald for winning the Long and Short Course Fiddlers Courses tonight.  This was Louis’ first outing at the Winter Fiddlers, and Hannah has not run this year so both runners had slightly outdated handicaps based on summer runs.  In the end, Louis won this battle, coming first and clocking the fastest time, but drawing Hannah to a 1 minute PB as she chased him home.

In the long course, and despite my best efforts, Val Finch continues to make a mockery of my handicapping, coming in over a minute and a half in front of second placed Lana Turnbull to claim her third win in a row.  Val has had an impressive run of form recently, progressively knocking over 9 minutes off of her time since November, to claim a new PB tonight.  Now whether that’s an impressive improvement in fitness, or impressive fiddling we’ll never know.  Either way she inspired the runners behind her, with two new PBs, and faster times by almost everyone since last month.

A big thanks again to everyone who assisted tonight: Mike T, Mags, Magaret, and Ted.


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