Tagged: Fiddlers

Fiddlers Results -Feb 2016

Results from Last Wednesdays Fiddlers are now up. Good to see two new faces as well as some old. Well done to Mike, and the unstoppable Sorley on winning the long and short courses. Thanks to Lana and Stephen for their help.(missing a finish time for Kevin?)

Fiddlers Results

There was a good turnout at tonight’s Fiddlers. Congratulations to Val Finch and Louis Macdonald for winning the Long and Short Course Fiddlers Courses tonight.  This was Louis’ first outing at the Winter Fiddlers, and Hannah has not run this year so both runners had slightly outdated handicaps based on summer...

January Fiddlers

Results from tonights Fiddlers are now up.  Winners tonight were Val Finch for the third month in a row on the Long Course, and Cara McCafferty in the Short Course.  I may have been a touch lenient with Val’s handicap this month, but you cant argue with another 1min 40sec improvement on...

Lothian Running Club