Provisional Club Championship Results 2015

Congratulations to everyone who took part in this year’s club championship!  Some great performances all round and it’s good to see so many people turning up to the chosen events.

We still need a few more women completing, but there was plenty of competition for male categories.

Malcolm Lang swept everyone aside for the second year in a row, with Colin Partridge runner up.  Stephen Malcolm won the M40 category for the second successive year.  Finlay managed to stay ahead of Calum in the M50, recapturing the M50 title he originally won in 2013, thanks to a cracking 1st place at the Seven Hills Race.  David Mabon managed to pull ahead of Jim Petrie in the last few weeks.. the third time this has happened in the M60 category! Though these are provisional results, so I’d encourage Jim to check my calculations!!

As I usually do, I’ve probably missed out half of Kirsty McMeechan’s results but I’m pleased to report she’s won the female category overall despite my questionable results recording!  Christine MacVarish is a deserving F40 winner for the third successive year!

As I need to begin ordering prizes, there are only a few days to get any amendments done, so please contact me at or via the club Facebook page.

Provisional Results


Lothian Running Club