LRC members contest Boston Marathons 3,000 miles apart

Lothian Running Club members took part in Boston Marathons 3,271 miles apart on Easter Monday.

Christine MacVarish and Gerry McCafferty were in the United States running the Boston Marathon while Shona Young was in Lincolnshire,England running the Boston Marathon.

In Boston, America, Christine recorded a time of 3 hours 36 minutes 46 seconds with Gerry crossing the finish line in 4 hours 3 minutes 26 seconds.

Closer to home Shona completed the Boston, UK version of the 26.2 miles in 3 hours 21 minutes 59 seconds on what is reckoned to be the flattest marathon course in the country.

Shona has now completed both the Boston Marathons having ran the US one in 2013 the year the race was marred by the bomb blasts near the finish.

Lothian Running Club