Tinto Hill Races

There was an encouraging turn out of 21 runners in the Tynto Tiptoe Under-12 hill run including six from the Lothian club, finishing times were Joel Greig[11yrs] 7m 34s, Danny Fletcher [9] 7m 56s, Mitchell Kellock[12] 8.26, Sorley McDonald[11] 10.06, Maycee Kellock[10] 12.25, James Fletcher [14.12].
John Malcolm and Christine MacVarish were the LRC representatives among 250 runners in the main Tinto Hill Race finishing, John came home in 70th place in 43m 48s with Christine 14th female covering the 4.4 miles course with an ascent of 1500 feet in 47 minutes 17 seconds.

Tinto Tiptoe

Name Time Change Club Age
Fraser Anderson 7.22 10
Joel Greig 7.34 – 28 Lothian RC 11
Luke Sedman 7.41 – 38 Grangemouth Tri 8
Danny Fletcher 7.56 – 14 Lothian RC 9
Laurence Ward 8.15 H.B.T 11
Mitchell Kellock 8.26 – 29 Lothian RC 12
Sophie McBirnie 9.15 Harmeny Athletics 9
Sorley MacDonald 10.06 Lothian RC 11
Ruby Wiseman 10.11 6
Kirsty Sedman 10.21 6
Freya King 10.22 9
Lucy Ward 10.25 H.B.T 8
Maycee Kellock 11.25 -31 Lothian RC 10
Olivia Ross 12.05 8
Clara McCallum 12.57 -131 (2013) 12
Laila Wilde 13.01 6
Nicki Wilde 13.03 S
Robert Minto 13.04 S
Ada McCallum 13.38 7
James Fletcher 14.12 Lothian RC 11
Leo Coombs 14.49 4

Conditions were muddy underfoot and windy but mostly dry. Brilliant runs from Fraser Anderson and Sophie McBirnie and everyone else who took part with a smile. Leo Coombs, the last finisher took less than a quarter of an hour which is brilliant for a 4 year old.
All 6 runners who completed before made big improvements. See “change”
Many thanks to Val & Mark for course setting and marshalling. Thanks to Edel and Nicola for looking after the old man and to Janine – International Smile Judge and Kirsty – Muddy Patch Judge.
Next Fun Run in the series:-
Cockleroy Chaser (At Beecraigs Festive Handicap.) Wed, December 26th.
Martin Hyman

Lothian Running Club