Club development

Hi everyone,

Following last months AGM, I would like to take a moment to introduce myself in more detail as the clubs new chairman.

For any club member who doesn’t know me I can usually be found pushing a buggy around whilst coaching on Tuesday and Thursday nights in Livingston. I have been involved in running for most of my life having started at a club in hull at the age of 8, through that time i have tried most events and distances, i have been involved in sports coaching in a variety of sports for the last 15 years ranging from schools to national teams, but enough about me lets get on to the main focus of this email, your club.

Over the last year we have seen some great development in the club, with increasing numbers across sessions and a great atmosphere at club sessions. We have started branching out with Parkrun tourism led by Will Moffat and a return of a club newsletter by Danny Kirkland.

As a club we hope to continue this development to ensure we meet the requirements of our members. This is your club and we need to do as much as we can to cater for what you the members want.

To help this the club is currently working on a development plan to help guide the progress of the club in the next few years.

We really need your ideas and feedback to help ensure we are moving the club in the right direction to best meet your needs.

I would like to ask the following,

In the last 12 months.

1. How would you currently rate the club? 1-5 (Where 1 is Poor and 5 is Excellent)

2. What did we do well?

3. What could we improve

4. What do you want from your club?

Please reply via email to or

Please offer your feedback whether big or small, it will help us to develop your club.


Owen Williams

Club Chairman

Lothian Running Club