Thursday night track fees : block payment option

Hi everyone we are going to trial a block payment option for track sessions.

Initial trial period 4 months :

January to April.

£30 for an individual

£75 for family

This has been calculated on sessions across the full year, with each payment accounting for the odd missed or cancelled session across the year.

Payment at track on either 3rd or 10th January.

see me at the track to sign up.

Thanks for all the feedback and we are looking into the various points raised, In the near future there may be a online portal that will allow us to do this for a few different payment options, the 4 month time period is being trialled as it gives a round payment figure, no scooping down the sides of the sofa for change.

It also gives us time to review the uptake and the various options to take forward in the future without adding to existing admin workloads.

***Please note this is in addition to the existing pay as you train £2 option, which will continue.

Any questions please email

Owen Williams


Lothian Running Club