Junior Monthly Handicap – December

Tonight’s results from the monthly handicap run we do  first Tuesday of the month run on Craigswood track in the  absence of the regular Fiddlers event. This is a bit more shambolic than the adult event mostly due to my poor organisational skills and an inability to have eyes in the back of my head, If you think adults try and cheat the handicapper you should see this bunch.  Extra skulduggery has been punished but apologies to those whose time was genuinely missed and not recorded (if you know what it was or who you finished behind let me know) . Thanks as ever to my brilliant assistants Lisa, Graham and Robyn –  and to Christine who provided the trophies too. Short (1200m) course winner was Jay McGarry who absolutely burned round and long course (2000m) went to relative newcomer Adam Campbell. Great effort all round and, hopefully, great fun too. Handicaps will be duly adjusted . Thanks also to everyone for their super generous food bank donations. Martin L.

name handicap finish run time
2000 meters
Adam Campbell 0.00 10.50 10.50
Megan Cochrane 2.30 11.23 8.53
Aurla McInnes 2.30 11.24 8.54
Jessica Heeps 4.00 11.38 7.38
Sorley MacDonald 2.00 11.44 9.44
Rosie Heeps 3.30 11.45 8.15
Melanie Kane  07790935841 0.00 12.10 12.10
Laura Anderson 3.30 13.11 9.41
Keira Anderson 3.30 13.38 10.08
Melissa Cochrane 0.30 no time 0
Danny Fletcher 3.30 Dq ! 0
James Fletcher 1.30 Dq ! 0
Rosie Stevenson dnf 0
name handicap finish run time
1200 meters
Jay McGarry 0.00 6.14 6.14
Chloe Boyle 2.30 9.07 6.37
Harry Roxburgh 3.00 11.03 8.03
Lucas Kelly 3.00 11.37 8.37
Thomas Kane 5.00 11.49 6.49
Rachel Collings 3.00 12.48 9.48
Amber Cunningham 5.30 no time
Isla Kelly 0.00 no time
Lothian Running Club