Junior Monthly Handicap Results April 2021

Now that training has returned , the Junior session on the first Tuesday of each month features a food bank collection and the monthly handicap – 1200m for under 12s and 2000m for 12 and over. Some of our youngsters are proving just as adept as the adults at pacing their runs to get an advantage next time !

Results are below – handicaps will be adjusted – thanks to Graham, Lisa, Christine, Robin ( & Aurla of course)  for all their  help on the night.

Short Course winner   – Ellis Bowers

Longer course winner – Gaby O’Donnell

1200 2000
Jake Lorimer 06:00 11:24 05:44
Ellis Bowers 06:00 11:43 05:43
Adam Campbell 07:00 13:04 06:04
Isla Kelly 06:00 12:19 06:19
Harry Roxburgh 07:00 13:19 06:19
Rachel Collings 07:00 13:23 06:23
Jessica Heeps 05:10 12:49  07:39
Lucas Kelly 06:00 14:03 08:03
Rosie Heeps 04:30 12:50 08:20
Lewis Tibbett 06:00 14:40 08:40
Gaby O’Donnell 01:20 10:29 09:09
Danny Fletcher 04:20 13:38 09:18
Amber Cunningham 01:20 11:09 09:49
Jay McGarry 01:40 11:33 09:53
Sorley MacDonald 02:00 11:59 09:59
Issy Marsden 01:50 11:57 10:07
James Fletcher 02:40 13:36 10:56
Lothian Running Club