Junior Monthly Handicap – December

Only storm in evidence was the one the kids were running up – great training participation and a excellent 1600m handicap run. Thanks as ever to Lisa, Becks and Chloe J – with welcome added help from Aurla too. Adjusted results are below. Apologies for some of the start times being a little less than accurate on the night  – that is down to my not being smart enough to get the clock to work properly – despite practicing earlier (honest). Times were generally slower this month due to the strong “breeze”. Thanks to all who brought food bank donations – took 5 bags to the collection point today – including that lovely big drum of Haribo I’d hoped would get stuck in the boot 🙂 .


Fastest net times  were

1) Danny Fletcher (again !)  2) Zac Carson 3) Jay McGarry

Zac Carson 02:15:00 09:25:00 07:10:00
Isla Kelly 01:00:00 10:23:00 09:23:00
Danny Fletcher 04:00:00 10:30:00 06:30:00
Orla Whitfield 00:00:00 10:30:00 10:30:00
Adam Ikene 03:00:00 10:42:00 07:42:00
Issy Marsden 02:15:00 10:59:00 08:44:00
Rory Marsden 02:45:00 11:18:00 08:33:00
Rachel Collings 03:15:00 11:20:00 08:05:00
Hannah Knowles 02:00:00 11:30:00 09:30:00
Chloe Boyle 02:00:00 11:30:00 09:30:00
Rosie Stevenson 02:30:00 11:37:00 09:07:00
Jay McGarry 03:15:00 11:39:00 08:24:00
Adam Campbell 02:00:00 11:10:00 09:10:00
Aaron Swan 01:45:00 11:40:00 09:55:00
Daniel Roulston 03:00:00 11:50:00 08:50:00
Sam Turnbull 02:30:00 11:50:00 09:20:00
Zain Mahoud 02:15:00 12:32:00 10:17:00
Sam McGarry 00:00:00 11:50:00 11:50:00
Michael Ferguson 00:00:00 13:00:00 13:00:00
Lothian Running Club