Junior Strategy 2022

Lothian Running Club Junior Strategy 2021/2022


This is a strategy document for club members, their parents or guardians and any individuals interested in Lothian Running Club’s approach to junior involvement, training, coaching and competition


To refocus and define the club’s role in providing a safe, positive environment that allows young people the opportunity to learn about the sport of athletics – and develop fitness and self confidence through participation with their peers in groups, training and competition.


The club will offer a minimum weekly one hour session exclusively for young athletes. In addition, membership of the club will provide entry into local and national competition as desired. This should be across the range of the sport – including track running, jumps, throws, road racing, trail,  cross country etc.

Sessions will be all year round and normally held at the track area of Craigswood Sports Centre on a Tuesday – 19:10 assembly for a 19:15 start. Sessions usually last around an hour. These may be exceptionally cancelled in the event of severe weather or coach/volunteer/venue unavailability.


Sessions are to be introduced that are junior exclusive and allow focus on full participation and junior development. In practice that means a session held at Craigswood on a different night from seniors and adults. Not sharing with seniors reduces congestion on the track and in the field, increases safety and security for the young people involved, and demonstrates a commitment by the coaches, athletes and parent/guardians to the junior section.

Strength and conditioning training can be combined with the fundamentals of athletics – running/jumping/throwing – to develop athletes more roundly and offer choice and preference in events.

Coaching will be mindful of the needs of young adults at differing stages of physical development and maturity and also be mindful of stresses and challenges juniors experience growing up – with family units, relationships, schools, exams etc.

Parent/guardians bringing juniors to training will be encouraged – ultimately by a rota arrangement – to actively help and be involved in sessions under guidance from coaches.

Participants will be encouraged to compete for the club   – in teams or individually – in local and national competitions.

Training and coaching will be athlete centred – dictated by the preference and capability of the individual athlete. Session drills, games, exercises and competitions will be designed to allow all to compete if they choose to without feeling forced to or intimidated by others. Coaches will be Scottish Athletics trained and qualified – all coaches and assistants will have the appropriate certificated clearance to work with young people – as defined in Club policy.

Participants are expected to behave in a way that does not interfere with or spoil participation in and enjoyment of the rest of the group ; a collective club spirit and shared loyalty will be the aim overall.

Aggressive, inappropriate or bullying behaviour (or language) of any type, will not be tolerated.


The club’s track location is at Craigswood Sports Centre, Livingston which allows specific sessions across the range of athletic events in a safe controlled environment with appropriate equipment and facilities. The Club also offers training sessions across different places in the Livingston area generally aimed at road running or cross country. These are principally attended by seniors but offer an opportunity for a more mature experience for developing junior athletes – supported and guided by coaches.


Juniors are broadly defined as club members aged between 8 and 17. Potential new members can attend for 2-3 sessions to see if it is something they want to be part of – if so, they would be expected to join Lothian Running Club – as individuals or as part of a Family Group membership.  Annual fees are kept to a minimum to encourage new and continuing membership and participation. Individual sessions are charged – currently £2.00 each person – in advance when booking a slot via the Club’s Team App. A block booking facility is also available.

Juniors loosely grouped by age bands will be coached and supervised ideally as separate  groups but sharing the same general area and appropriate activities. (In practice this is dictated by weekly availability of coaches and adult volunteers).

From around age 13 onwards individuals may begin to want to specialise in a particular discipline or disciplines within athletics and the club will strive to support that by additional coaching and facilities.


Martin Leadbetter

Coach/Coaching Co-ordinator


Lothian Running Club