Junior Handicap (1600m) – March

Unverified results are below – might have been some confusion due to people having the same or similar  names ! Lots of people beat their handicaps – so hats off to them and handicapper will fix that next time :).

Fastest , as ever, was Danny – who improved his time yet again and credit too to Rachel who belied her years and size (sorry) with another fantastic run. Well done everyone – thank you to Ray, Gail, Lisa, Becks and Chloe J for vital assistance. Thanks also to all for their generous food bank donations.



Name                      Handicap    Time       Net

Chloe Boyle 01:00 09:09 08:09
Andrew Wright 00:00 09:24 09:24
Lucas Kelly 02:30 09:33 07:03
Aaron Swan 02:00 09:34 07:34
Orla Whitfield 00:00 09:45 09:45
Jaimee Wright 01:30 09:47 08:17
Rory Marsden 02:00 10:02 08:02
Zain Mansour 02:00 10:03 08:03
Ben Alton 02:30 10:07 07:37
Martha Cheek 02:45 10:12 07:27
Fastest Danny Fletcher 04:15 10:26 06:11
Second Fastest Rachel Collings 04:00 10:32 06:32
Hannah Knowles 02:00 10:36 08:36
Issy Marsden 02:30 10:38 08:08
Lucas Killingback 03:00 10:46 07:46
Amber Cunningham 03:30 10:50 07:20
Isla Kelly 01:30 10:59 09:29
Rosie Stevenson 03:30 11:03 07:33
Arran Wilson 01:30 11:04 09:34
Sam Turnbull 01:30 11:06 09:36
Eli Killingback 01:30 11:11 09:41
Adam Campbell 03:30 11:21 07:51
Daniel Roulston 04:00 11:24 07:24
Zac Carson 04:00 12:08 08:08
Lewis Tibbets 02:00 12:09 10:09
Sam McGarry 00:00 12:30 12:30
Michael Ferguson 00:00 dnf
Lothian Running Club