LRC Park Run Tourism – Sat 9th April

Where: Strathclyde ParkRun (Re-Tarmac’d wide paths)
“Flat n Fast – Ideal for PB’s ”
Catch up with club mates & enjoy post run refreshments in the Boat house café (if open) or bring your own.
Wearing club colours encouraged (but optional) to promote club Identity – LRC vest / training kit, or something Blue….
Owen will post on Team App & Colin on the club website for anyone not on FB.
Free car parking (Car Park 4), toilets avail in the boathouse café
Spread the word and mark you’re calendars – “Comment or like” if you can make it. Friends & Family welcome.
I’ll provide a reminder nearer the time
No Barcode = No timed result!

cheers, Will

NB: Next PR Tourism Event locations will be presented for member selection via a poll, most votes gets the nod.

Lothian Running Club