AGM 2018

This years AGM will be held 14th Nov in the meeting room at Craigswood Sports Centre. Please arrive from 6.45 onwards and grab a drink before the meeting starts at 7pm.
We would encourage as many members as possible to attend as this is your club and your opinion, input and help are key.


AGM Minutes 14th November 2018


The full agenda will be posted here ahead of the event.

If you would like to make a proposal, or raise a topic for discussion please send details to the club secretary ( by Monday 12th,  so that this can be added to the agenda, and time allocated accordingly.  We can’t guarantee that items raised on the night will be able to be addressed.

Club Officials

Club Officers: Chairman. Vice Chairman, treasurer, coaching co-ordinator, and secretary will be elected at the Annual General Meeting.  Male and female club captains will also be elected at the AGM.  Additionally the AGM may elect up to 4 other committee members.

Several members have or will be stepping down from key committee posts this year, and some of these positions will need to be filled at the AGM.  Please send any nominations to the club secretary  (

Treasurers Report


Club Awards

Please note, that we will not be presenting club awards as part of this years AGM, but intend to hold this as a seperate event at some point.

Lothian Running Club