Fiddlers Results – Jan 19

Another good turn out at at last months Fiddlers.  Apologies for the delay in posting results.

There may be some errors in this months results as I had some trouble deciphering hand writing, and some people didn’t have put their time down at all. Please check and let me know if you spot a mistake.

Short Course

Runner’s Name Start Time Finish Time Running Time Comment
McClung, Chloe 19:34:21 19:44:08 00:09:47 PB, Fastest
Collings, Jonathan 19:34:30 19:44:19 00:09:49 First Time
Knowles,  Hannah 19:30:30 19:44:54 00:14:24
Cunningham,Amber 19:33:30 19:45:03 00:11:33
Moffat, Kara 19:34:30 19:45:03 00:10:33
Steel, Hannah 19:35:15 19:45:12 00:09:57

Long Course

Runner’s Name Start Time Finish Time Running Time Comment
Wishart, Colin 19:34:15 19:58:– 00:24:– Winner, PB
Moffat, Courtney 19:33:30 19:58:50 00:25:20  PB
Cameron, Andrea 19:34:00 19:59:14 00:25:14 PB
Dack, Josh 19:39:15 19:59:15 00:20:00 PB, Fastest
Williams, Jo 19:38:45 19:59:35 00:20:50 PB
Kirkbright, Michelle 19:23:00 19:59:47 00:36:47
Lees, Brian 19:36:30 19:59:59 00:23:29 PB
Godfrey, Kevin 19:31:00 20:00:00 00:29:00 PB
Ramage, Alan 19:37:30 20:00:08 00:22:38 First Time
Kirkland, Ryan 19:38:15 20:00:18 00:22:03
Partridge, Colin 19:38:00 20:00:19 00:22:19
Finch, Ted 19:22:30 20:00:41 00:38:11
Byrne,James 19:33:45 20:01:00 00:27:15
Weir, Alan 19:34:00 20:01:06 00:27:06
Meek, David 19:30:30 20:01:15 00:30:45
Kellock,Duane 19:35:30 20:02:18 00:26:48
Laing, Ryan 19:37:00 20:02:18 00:25:18
Nelson, Bethany 19:31:00 20:02:48 00:31:48
Lothian Running Club