Author: ColinPartridge

Junior Fiddlers Update

Junior Fiddlers Revised Format As a result of feedback from our junior members, I’m pleased to say that the Junior Fiddlers race this coming Wednesday will be returning to the original handicaped race format. So the Juniors can once again compete for the title of fiddler of the Month. I’ll...

Road relays

Congratulations to everyone who competed in the Relays today. There were some good performances. Special thanks also to those who helped out on the course: Kenny, Colin, and Ted (sorry of I missed anyone).  Results will follow soon.

Road Race Course Reccy

For those running in the road relay at the end of the Month (and anyone else who wants to join us) we are planning on doing a bit of a reccy of the course this weekend.  2pm on Saturday has been suggested, but any interested parties please get in touch...


Saturday 31 March 2012 Livingston The national 4 & 6 Stage Road relay championships take place a the end of march.  The race is held in Livingston, so this is great opportunity to get a good club turn out. The relays have alternating stages of 3.1 and 5.8 miles, with...

Devil’s Burden – Relay Race 21 Jan 2012

Devil’s Burden is a 4 Stage Hill and Trail Relay race for teams of 6 members (2 stages have 2 team members running as a pair). Teams can be Men’s, Women’s or Mixed. There are also categories for all vet teams. The race covers a 31km course over the Lomond...

Master XC – 4th Feb 2012

This years Master’s Cross Country will be held on the 4th of February, at St Joseph’s Academy, Grassyards Road. Closing date for entries is the 21st of January. Please try and let us know if you wish to run by Wed 18th at the latest. Sign up sheets will be...

East District League Event 3 – Broxburn 14 Jan

The final East District Cross Country league event takes place on Saturday the 14th of January at Broxburn.  This is a reasonably local race and it would be good to get as good turn out as we did for the last league race at Dechmont (  For those not able...

Lothian Running Club