Route 75 10km from Bathgate to Livingston

UPDATE For 22nd the Start is at Pyramids Business Park.

I am looking at a 10km route along the Route 75 Cycle way. It is 10km from Bathgate to Livingston Civic Centre  on good paths, mainly off road with  one road crossing in Tailend Industrial Estate with a short road section along Main Street at Livingston Village.

I am organising a recce./test run on 22nd December at 11:30. As the run is point to point you may need some logistics help or perhaps park in Livingston and jog or take the Bus to Tescos, Bathgate and walk round to Pyramids Business Park

The proposed route is here: Google map Link

If there is sufficient positive feedback this may become a ‘No Frills’ event in December 2020!!


ted at finchhouse dot org dot uk

Lothian Running Club